Blog: Articles

How to be a Vigourous Geezer

I listened a few days ago to an interview with an 83-year-old self-described geezer (aka “sage”) in the world of leadership development, Warren Bennis. He is currently Professor and founding chair of The Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California, and the author of 29 books. He brought up a subject I’ve thought about for at least thirty years: What can I do now...
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Thank You Banner Burgin

My Golden Retriever Banner passed away this morning and I wanted you to know because if you knew her, you loved her too. She died like we’d all like to—happy and taking old-dog walks on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday she slept and received visitors who sat on the floor with her, touching her, and telling her repeatedly how good she was. The last part to slow down continu...
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An October We Won't Soon Forget

I bet you’re either glued to the news, or you’ve made yourself stop watching altogether. Personally I’ve made several resolutions this week—in both directions. As I write this on Friday afternoon, I’ve decided to watch for a minute—just in time to read, “DOW HAS IT’S WORST WEEK EVER.” Enough. As I’ve met with clients and coaches-in-trai...
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An Extraordinary Week

Yes, an extraordinary week. Maybe you’re among the elated. Maybe you’re with the dejecteds. After three days (so far) of conversations with people in both groups I see some common threads: 1. At either far ends of the spectrum is the sense that a political personality or persuasion gets the responsibility–along with the credit or the blame–for what happens next. 2. Also...
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Here We Go Again

So here we are at the start of a new year with way less money than we had last January, and way more reasons to worry about big and little things. Depending on how you look at it, for most of us in the Northwest, the winter storms that hit us were either a disaster (“snow-mageddon!” “snow-pocalypse!”) or an inescapable slow-down for the holidays Not to sound too cheery, b...
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Not -Just-For-Profit

What is the secret of your personal success? There are some standard answers: knowing your craft, knowing your audience, grit, hard work, vision. The men and women I’ve been training would add to that list stuff like meaning, contribution, making things better along with having fun and making money. In the words of the sage, Jerry Seinfeld, “You can’t do good work if you’re...
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Return to Russia

Got Goals? It’s September tomorrow, a time when a lot of us think about what comes next–of what we want to create, invent, launch or instigate. I know it’s a theme I share with my favorite clients: I’m always thinking about where the next place is to grow and learn and course-correct. Here’s one of mine in a nutshell: It’s been twenty years since the Berlin W...
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The Magic of Being Acknowledged

When was the last time someone paused, looked you in the eye and acknowledged your grace or courage, or your heart and attention? I.e. the character stuff that anchors your life and work. It’s usually a moment you savor and remember. Over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that most of us can go days, weeks! without getting a word of acknowledgment. It’s a big enough deal t...
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Tax Day Hunches

So tonight by midnight, we’ve all got to have something in the mail to the federal government–and by the end of the month, if you’re a small business, the states and cities will expect their payments too. This will be on my mind today as I meet with (and write newsletters to) my usual line-up of gifted men and women. Most of my clients and coaches are entrepreneurial. Many want...
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Succesful Frauds

Many of the gifted professionals I work with have this little worried heckler in their heads who accuses them of being frauds. The little worried heckler cleverly uses the first-person and says things like: “If people really knew how I (worried, lost sleep, flew by the seat of my pants or wasn’t as sure as I looked), they’d know I was an unqualified fraud. When I hear that li...
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