I spent yesterday afternoon with a dozen people who are in my corner.

I bet you know the type. They cheer when you walk in, expect you to be your best most of the time and don’t write you off when you mess up. Not that they won’t tell you. And they would defend you in public. You share stories from years ago and talk about being younger next year.

I have long believed that the people most likely to be in my corner are the ones with whom I’ve worked hard, played hard or been scared to death. On purpose. These particular people qualify because for years I trained and competed with them as a competitive rower on Seattle’s big lakes.

So here’s my big coaching question this month: With whom are you intentionally working hard, playing hard or getting a little scared? People don’t just end up our corners via the passing of time. We earn them–and they earn us.

I may need to get back on the water this summer. A little more work, a bit more play and a few good risks would help to keep fresh the treasure of these people in my corner.